Jesus warned that many will come in His name preaching and teaching, but their Heart is far from Him. Money seekers, using the Gospel and the hunger of others as a means of taking things that they have not earned.

healthy family
Is the unseen now visible, is the unrealized now taking place? Jesus warned that many will come in His name preaching and teaching, but their Heart is far from Him. Money seekers, using the Gospel and the hunger of others as a means of taking things that they have not earned.
Behold, the days come.
Amos 8:11-8:12 (NIV, NIRV, TNIV, KJV)
Behold, the days come. Is the unseen now visible, is the unrealized now taking place? Jesus warned that many will come in His name preaching and teaching, but their Heart is far from Him. Money seekers, using the Gospel and the hunger of others as a means of taking things that they have not earned. Preaching healing on one hand and with the other stealing what little the poor have. There are many, countless souls that are crying out for a myrical in their lives, seeking cures for cancer, aids, unknown diseases that cripple the body and mind. And when they hear that a man claims to be abel to deliver their desires, they flock to the miracle worker. They stand in line hour upon hour for a chance for healing but are always by passed and over looked by the myrical workers for some one else that has no signs of illness. They preach that Jesus is coming soon but they ask for more and more money to fill the desires of their hearts. Living lifestyles that put millionaires to shame. And what about the gospel, well the messages are always the same one, give to us, give to us. The people return home the same as they arrived, hungry for the truth, hungry for the Gospel, Hungry for a word from God. The people go to these myrical workers seeking answers and leave with more questions, their pockets empty and their hearts broken. Titus 1:11 Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre’s sake. False preachers, false teachers, false doctrine and all in the name of the Lord. These are deceivers, decieveing and themselves being deceived, not knowing God nor His Power, not having the willingness of heart to cure and deliver the truth, because the Truth is not in them. The myrical workers run a service as a carnival show, building up the hopes of the poor for special blessings and healings at the climax of the service but their hopes are dashed to pieces and walked upon by un-feeling men, whose sole purpose is to receive and not to give. Many walk out believing that they are healed but soon after they die of the diseases. Many walk out believing that they are abel to walk but soon you see them in a wheel chair. Where have all the preachers gone, where have all the men of God fled, where is the power the Church used to have? Has the desire to feed the flock turned to self preservation? Or has apathy taken over? Jesus, Paul, James, John and the others layed down their lives for the lost in this world, Jesus stating that His Kingdom was Not of this world. Not wanting a house built by man but of God. Brothers and Sisters Read the word of God, read and understand; Acts 7:49 Heaven is my throne, and earth is my footstool: what house will ye build me? saith the Lord: or what is the place of my rest? No matter how large a building no matter how large an estate, no matter how large a bank account the deceivers have, what house do they think they could ever build for the Lord God Almighty? Many stand behind the pulpit and declair, ”The End is Coming, Jesus is Coming soon!” and then they put burdens on the people to build bigger and bigger monuments of stone. When 15 to 20 people share one Bible and the deceivers spend $120,000 for a sidewalk, that leads know-where, there is something wrong with this picture. There are many that walk mile after mile in difficult weather and harsh conditions, just to hear the Word of God read to them. When the people ask for bread, they receive a stone, when the people ask for meat, they receive a serpent and still, they starve, they hunger, they die, daily for the truth. Thousands wanting a Bible, wanting the truth, wanting some one to tell them about this man called Jesus. 1Peter 4:17 For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? “what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?” 1Peter 5:2 Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; ” not for filthy lucre ” If you take all the deceivers out of the churches today that demand money before they preach, many churches would be without a preacher. 1Peter 5:2 is not a suggestion from God its a Commandment from God. Amos 8:11 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:
Amos 8:12 And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it. Have you ever asked yourself, Why would God do what He says in Amos 8:11-12? Its because of the oversight of the people to hear the truth, to see the truth to understand the truth. Many are seeking teachers with itchy ears, wanting to only hear and see what is pleasing to them. They have eyes and refuse to see, they have ears and refuse to hear and they have hearts that have turned cold to the suffering of others. Why would God allow a famine in the land, its because He knew that many would turn their back on others, turn their back on the suffering, the needs, the wants of their fellow man, as it was in the days of Noah. He knew that there would be many decievers, decieveing the masses and the masses would be flocking to them, seeking myricals, seeking an easy way thru this life, not wanting the responsiablity for the needs of others, but would become willing to be decieved, by false promises. As a man falls so shall he be raised, look at;
Revelations, 22:11, He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. We cannot stop prophecy, its the will of God, but we do not have to be decieved by the decievers. Can myricals be preformed today as when Jesus and the Deciples walked upon this Earth? Yes. Healings, Myricals, deleverence, salvation? Yes to all, but only by the word of God and the truth. ars


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