
Showing posts from April 29, 2013

Model Priscilla Moore on Playa T Hollywood In Da Hood

Music Download: Lanskyy 1Mill on Playa T Hollywood In Da Hood

Spoken Word: The LadyBug Speaker performs at the Pit Ft. Basheer Jones  Spoken Word: Playa T Hollywood In Da Hood. Poet Ramona Smith rocks the Pit in Richmond Ohio with talent, style and grace. For  booking , to advertise with us on our website, multimeda promotions call #216-355-9702 follow us on twitter @PlayaT

The talented beautiful ladies of Da DollHouze rock out on

Image Playa T Hollywood In Da Hood keeps you up to date with the hottest new artist with new music to download. The talented beautiful ladies of Da DollHouze rock the show and tells of how they got started. For booking, to advertise with us on our website, multimedia promotions call #216-924-7482

Luckey Boston rises from Cleveland, Ohio

Image Hollywood In Da Hood knows of the up & coming young actors and actresses headed for the big screen. Luckey Boston rises from Cleveland, Ohio to open a school for actors in the fields of Tv commercials & film. For booking, to advertise with us, multimedia promotions call #216-924-7482