DA DOLLHOUZE Sisters Octavia (TINK) and Alicia Riggins (FEE LEE) formed the group “ALL 4 U” ten yearsago(1999),asatrionamed“AllDayAllNight”withTashaAnderson. They participated in local talent shows thru out the Cleveland area, two years later the trio added a fourth member to the group De’Jah McDonald then became “ALL 4 U.” In the summers of 2003, 2004, and 2005, the group’s career really took off. Performing at numerous community events, such as The Glenville Festival, The East Cleveland Love Festival, The presidential Picnic for 2004 Presidential Election, Warrensville Heights High School Concert, appearing on Adelphia Cable Show “It’s Cleveland” which is now Time Warner and many, many more. In the fall of 2005, the group suffered when it lost one its members. The two Riggins Sisters and Tasha were all that was left. But they were determined to keep moving forward. Luckily, their hope was restored when their manager/mother added Lauren (LO-LO) Thomas to the group. They are no...