Samsung confirms battery as cause of Note 7 fires

Samsung's probe into its Galaxy Note 7  has found that the overheating and burning of the phones was caused by faults with their batteries.
The firm had axed its iphone competitor
 in October last year after an earlier botched recall and re-release.
The recall is thought to have cost $5.3bn (£4.3bn) and was hugely damaging for the South Korean firm's reputation.
On Monday, Samsung said that neither software nor hardware were at fault, only the batteries.
Internal and independent investigations "concluded that batteries were found to be the cause of the Note 7 incidents", the South Korean technology giant said in a statement.

So what went wrong?

The company said that errors both in design and manufacturing affected batteries by two different manufacturers.

According to the findings, the problems centred on insufficient insulation material within the batteries and a design that did not give enough room to safely accommodate the batteries' electrodes.


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